Contact Us
You want to Contact us?
Wish to tell us what you think, what needs to be improved or you just got a question?

At the Emerald Star post, we pride ourselfs on being in direct contact with the fans and unlike some sites, we don't believe we are better because we run this site, so you welcome all comments. Here is a list of Contact Details for us:
NOTE- Remember to either Explain who you are by send an e-mail first or say something to explain who you are because (Manic for one) gets alot of unwanted IMing which turns out to be junk
Contact Details

Manic Man: Webmaster and Most things
Email:- ManicMan8 @ Hotmail . com

Anna May: Site Mascot
Email:- AnnaMay @ TheEmeraldStarPost . co .uk
Name: E-mail:

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