Cover Price: 3,80 DM
Sonic der Igel (Sonic the Hedgehog) - Tempo-Teufel (Tempo-fiend) Writer-
Artist- Notes- Reprint from Grandreams Sonic the Hedgehog YearBook 1992/1993
Sonic der Igel (Sonic the Hedgehog) - Trickfilm Tricks (Cartoon tricks) Writer-
Artist- Notes- Reprint from Grandreams Sonic the Hedgehog YearBook 1992/1993
Sonic der Igel (Sonic the Hedgehog) - Der doppelgänger (The Doppelganger) Writer-
Artist- Notes- Reprint from Grandreams Sonic the Hedgehog YearBook 1992/1993
Cover by: Ferran Rodriquez? Cover Price: 3,80 DM
Sonic der Igel (Sonic the Hedgehog) - Hier Kommt Sonic (Sonic Is Here) Writer- Alan Mckenzie
Artist- Anthony Williams Notes- Reprint from Fleetway STC #1
Sonic der Igel (Sonic the Hedgehog) - Robofuchs (RoboFox) Writer- Mark Millar
Artist- Woodrow Phoenix Notes- Reprint from Fleetway STC #2
Sonic der Igel (Sonic the Hedgehog) - Chaos in der Marmorzone (Chaos in the MarbleZone) Writer- Mark Millar
Artist- Casanovas Notes- Reprint from Fleetway STC #3
Cover by: Ferran Rodriquez? Cover Price: 3,80 DM
Sonic der Igel (Sonic the Hedgehog) - Der Tag der Fieslinge (The day of the Swindler?) Writer-
Artist- Notes- Reprint from Fleetway STC #4
Sonic der Igel (Sonic the Hedgehog) - Verloren im Labyrinth (Lost in the Labyrinth) Writer- Mark Millar
Artist- Woodrow Phoenix Notes- Reprint from Fleetway STC #5
Sonic der Igel (Sonic the Hedgehog) - Abenteuer im All (Adventure in Space) Writer- Nigel Kitching
Artist- Ferran Rodriguez Notes- Reprint from Fleetway STC #6
- Super Sonic Writer- Nigel Kitching
Artist- Richard Elson Notes- Reprint from Fleetway STC #7
Cover Price: 3,80 DM
Sonic der Igel (Sonic the Hedgehog) - Sonic's Ursprung (Sonic's Origin) Writer- Nigel Kitching
Artist- Richard Elson Notes- Reprint from Fleetway STC #8
Sonic der Igel (Sonic the Hedgehog) - Kampf um Mobius (Back to Mobius) Writer- Nigel Kitching
Artist- Richard Elson Notes- Reprint from Fleetway STC #9
Sonic der Igel (Sonic the Hedgehog) - MegaTox Writer- Nigel Kitching
Artist- Richard Elson Notes- Reprint from Fleetway STC #10
Cover by: Ferran Rodriquez Cover Price: 3,80 DM
Sonic der Igel (Sonic the Hedgehog) - Zeitflitzer (Time streaker) Writer- Mark Millar
Artist- Ed Hillyer Notes- Reprint from Fleetway STC #11
Sonic der Igel (Sonic the Hedgehog) - Verborgene Gefahr (Hidden Danger) Writer- Mark Millar
Artist- Carl Flint Notes- Reprint from Fleetway STC #12
Sonic der Igel (Sonic the Hedgehog) - Ständig Ärger Writer- Mark Millar
Artist- Mike Hadley Notes- Reprint from Fleetway STC #13
Cover Price: 3,80 DM
Sonic der Igel (Sonic the Hedgehog) - Held des Jahres (Hero of the Year) Writer- Nigel Kitching
Artist- Brian Williamson / Steve White Notes- Reprint from Fleetway STC #14
Sonic der Igel (Sonic the Hedgehog) - Der Grünfresser (The Green Ogre) Writer-
Artist- Notes- Reprint from Fleetway STC #15
Sonic der Igel (Sonic the Hedgehog) - Der Alptraum (The nightmare) Writer- Ed Hillyer
Artist- Ed Hillyer Notes- Reprint from Fleetway STC #17
Cover Price: 3,80 DM
Sonic der Igel (Sonic the Hedgehog) - Casinonacht (Casino Night)- Part 1 Writer- Nigel Kitching
Artist- Richard Elson Notes- Reprint from Fleetway STC #18
Sonic der Igel (Sonic the Hedgehog) - Casinonacht (Casino Night)- Part 2 Writer- Nigel Kitching
Artist- Richard Elson Notes- Reprint from Fleetway STC #19
Sonic der Igel (Sonic the Hedgehog) - Ärger am gipfel (Annoyance at the summit) Writer-
Artist- Notes- Reprint from Fleetway STC #20
Cover Price: 3,80 DM
Sonic der Igel (Sonic the Hedgehog) - Sonic's Freundin (Sonic's GirlFriend)- Part 1 Writer- Nigel Kitching
Artist- Richard Elson Notes- Reprint from Fleetway STC #21
Sonic der Igel (Sonic the Hedgehog) - Sonic's Freundin (Sonic's GirlFriend)- Part 2 Writer- Nigel Kitching
Artist- Richard Elson Notes- Reprint from Fleetway STC #22
Sonic der Igel (Sonic the Hedgehog) - Die Hohlen Piraten (The Cave Pirates) Writer- Nigel Kitching
Artist- Richard Elson Notes- Reprint from Fleetway STC #23
Cover Price: 3,80 DM
Sonic's Welt (Sonic's World) - Prolog: Es war einmal ein Planet… (Prologue: There was once a planet …) Writer-
Artist- Notes- Reprint from Fleetway STC #25
Sonic's Welt (Sonic's World) - Teil 1: Kintobor Rückwärts Gelesen Heisst... Writer-
Artist- Notes- Reprint from Fleetway STC #26
Sonic's Welt (Sonic's World) - Teil 2: Die Story von Tails (The Story of Tails) Writer-
Artist- Notes- Reprint from Fleetway STC #27
- Ozean Des Schreckens (Ocean Of Secrets) Writer-
Artist- Notes- Reprint from Fleetway Sonic Summer Special 1995
Cover by: Ferran Rodriquez Cover Price: 3,80 DM
Sonic der Igel (Sonic the Hedgehog) - Doctor Sun: Teil Eins (Doctor Sun: Part One) Writer-
Artist- Ferran Rodriguez Notes- Reprint from Fleetway Sonic Summer Special 1994
Sonic der Igel (Sonic the Hedgehog) - Doctor Sun: Teil Zwei (Doctor Sun: Part Two) Writer-
Artist- Ferran Rodriguez Notes- Reprint from Fleetway Sonic Summer Special 1994
Sonic der Igel (Sonic the Hedgehog) - Der Wächter (The Watcher) Writer-
Artist- Notes- Reprint from Fleetway STC #29
Sonic der Igel (Sonic the Hedgehog) - Metamorphia Writer-
Artist- Notes- Reprint from Fleetway STC #30
Cover Price: 3,80 DM
Sonic der Igel (Sonic the Hedgehog) - Der Unschlagbare Feind (The unbeatable foe) Writer-
Artist- Notes- Reprint from Fleetway STC #32
Knuckles - Wächter der Chaos-smaragde (Watcher of the Chaos Emeralds) Writer-
Artist- Nigel Kitching Notes- Reprint from Fleetway Sonic Summer Special 1994
Sonic der Igel (Sonic the Hedgehog) - Hier kommt Knuckles: Teil 1 (Here is Knuckles: Part 1) Writer- Nigel Kitching
Artist- Richard Elson Notes- Reprint from Fleetway STC #33
Sonic der Igel (Sonic the Hedgehog) - Hier kommt Knuckles: Teil 2 (Here is Knuckles: Part 2) Writer- Nigel Kitching
Artist- Richard Elson Notes- Reprint from Fleetway STC #34
Doctor Robotnik - Testfahrt (Test Drive) Writer-
Artist- Notes- Reprint from Fleetway Sonic Summer Special 1994
Tails - Im Schloß der Kobolde: Teil 1 (In the palace of the Imps: Part 1) Writer- Mark Eyles
Artist- Casanovas / John M. Burns Notes- Reprint from Fleetway STC #28
Tails - Im Schloß der Kobolde: Teil 2 (In the palace of the Imps: Part 2) Writer- Mark Eyles
Artist- Casanovas / John M. Burns Notes- Reprint from Fleetway STC #29
Tails - Im Schloß der Kobolde: Teil 3 (In the palace of the Imps: Part 3) Writer- Mark Eyles
Artist- Casanovas / John M. Burns Notes- Reprint from Fleetway STC #30
Tails - Im Schloß der Kobolde: Teil 4 (In the palace of the Imps: Part 4) Writer- Mark Eyles
Artist- Casanovas / John M. Burns Notes- Reprint from Fleetway STC #31
Cover Price: 3,80 DM
Sonic's Welt (Sonic's World) - Mit Cam und Bert F.A.R.T. (Fiesling-Armee-Repartatur-Techniker) in Jetzt Geht's Rund: Teil 1 Writer- Mark Eyles
Artist- Mike Hadley / John M. Burns Notes- Reprint from Fleetway STC #32
Sonic's Welt (Sonic's World) - Mit Cam und Bert F.A.R.T. (Fiesling-Armee-Repartatur-Techniker) in Jetzt Geht's Rund: Teil 2 Writer- Mark Eyles
Artist- Mike Hadley / John M. Burns Notes- Reprint from Fleetway STC #33
Sonic's Welt (Sonic's World) - Mit Cam und Bert F.A.R.T. (Fiesling-Armee-Repartatur-Techniker) in Jetzt Geht's Rund: Teil 3 Writer- Mark Eyles
Artist- Mike Hadley / John M. Burns Notes- Reprint from Fleetway STC #34
Cover Price: 3,80 DM
Cover Price: 3,80 DM
Sonic der Igel (Sonic the Hedgehog) - Die Macht Der Chaos-Smaragde: Teil 1 (The Power of the Chaos Emeralds: Part 1) Writer- Nigel Kitching
Artist- Richard Elson Notes- Reprint from Fleetway STC #35
Sonic der Igel (Sonic the Hedgehog) - Die Macht Der Chaos-Smaragde: Teil 2 (The Power of the Chaos Emeralds: Part 2) Writer- Nigel Kitching
Artist- Richard Elson Notes- Reprint from Fleetway STC #36
Sonic der Igel (Sonic the Hedgehog) - Robotnik's Rache: Teil 1 (Robotnik's Revenge: Part 1) Writer- Nigel Kitching
Artist- Richard Elson Notes- Reprint from Fleetway STC #37
Sonic der Igel (Sonic the Hedgehog) - Robotnik's Rache: Teil 2 (Robotnik's Revenge: Part 2) Writer- Nigel Kitching
Artist- Richard Elson Notes- Reprint from Fleetway STC #38
Sonic der Igel (Sonic the Hedgehog) - Sonic's Ende (Sonic's End) Writer- Nigel Kitching
Artist- Ferran Rodriguez Notes- Reprint from Fleetway STC #39
Sonic der Igel (Sonic the Hedgehog) - Die Eiszone (The Ice Zone) Writer- Lew Stringer
Artist- Casanovas / John Burns Notes- Reprint from Fleetway STC #40
Cover by: Richard Elson Cover Price: 3,80 DM
Sonic der Igel (Sonic the Hedgehog) - Attacke Aus der Eiskappen Zone: Teil 1 (Attack from the ice cap zone: Part 1) Writer- Lew Stringer
Artist- Mike Hadley and John M Burns Notes- Reprint from Fleetway STC #41
Sonic der Igel (Sonic the Hedgehog) - Attacke Aus der Eiskappen Zone: Teil 2 (Attack from the ice cap zone: Part 2) Writer- Lew Stringer
Artist- Mike Hadley and John M Burns Notes- Reprint from Fleetway STC #42
Sonic and Tails - Im Strudel Gefangen (Caught in the vortex) Writer-
Artist- Neil Dobbyn? Notes- Reprint from Fleetway Sonic Summer Special 1995
Amy - In Guten Händen (In good hands) Writer- Lew Stringer
Artist- Roberto Corona / John M. Burns Notes- Reprint from Fleetway STC #41
Doctor Robotnik - Ein Tag im Leben von Robotnik (A day in the life of Robotnik) Writer- Mark Millar
Artist- Mike Hadley Notes- Reprint from Fleetway STC #41